Without Diet, Vegetables Can Lose Weight

Friday 13 May 2016

Without Diet, Vegetables Can Lose Weight

DIET, a program that according to most people it is agonizing. It took a long time to be able to lose weight by doing diet.
But apparently, there is a surefire way to get rid of your fat naturally. Here's how: with making vegetables as the main capital in Your diet menu list.
Quick and healthy diet with vegetables is highly recommended, because vegetables contain many vitamins and low in calories.
Here are some benefits of vegetables if you add to the diet menu, as reported by the Health pages, yesterday.
1. Vegetables make you look more attractive.
Some Study from the University of Nottingham found when foreigners see photos of other people's faces, they argued that people who eat more vegetables are much more interesting than the people who have dark skin color.
Another study from St. Andrews University concluded that people who eat three servings of vegetables a day for six weeks, much more attractive than those with lower intakes.
Why is it so? Vegetables have been shown to change the pigment of the skin and increase circulation, which improves blood flow means more to the surface of the skin, giving you a glowing appearance. Plus they can ward off the signs of aging. Research shows certain vegetables help keep skin taut and free of wrinkles.
2. Vegetables help you lose weight without dieting.
Research has shown that people who go on a diet of plants experienced rapid weight loss. One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that over a period of five years, both men and women who eat more plant foods, is much more difficult in driving up their weight.
This result is due to the antioxidants and fiber in vegetables that have been associated with weight loss.
3. low calorie Vegetable.
For example, two cups of spinach contains less than 15 calories. That's almost equivalent to 200 fewer calories than a cup of rice. So instead of filling your plate with staple foods such as pasta and rice, why not replace it with veggies and stick to smaller portions of starch.
4. Vegetables help prevent constipation.
If your gut doesn't feel good, you don't feel good. Fortunately, the vegetables could improve digestive problems. Natural fibers in vegetables helps strengthens the muscles of the gastrointestinal (digestive system) and pushes the waste through the body faster.
5. Vegetables increase happiness.
One New Zealand study recently found that the intake of higher vegetable products help people feel more energetic, calmer and happier.
6. Vegetables lower the risk of chronic disease.
It may seem obvious that eating more vegetables lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. A new study finds that eating more than one extra serving of leafy green a day can reduce the risk of diabetes type two of 14 percent. High intake of plant foods also means alkaline diet, which has been linked to lower diabetes risk.

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