Note This When Your Children Got Lice

Thursday 12 May 2016

Note This When Your Children Got Lice

children have lice in the hair
Most of the parents directly fear so knowing that their child has lice in her hair. Especially when they get it from school. But remember, you don't need to panic.

"Ticks do not carry diseases or indicate that the old man could not maintain the cleanliness in the home environment," said a specialist in emergency medicine at the Hospital of Ann & Robert h. Lurie, Dr. Karen Sheehan, as reported by the Health pages, yesterday.

Insects moving at a crawl and can not ride or flying. So, as long as the teacher remains separated children are lousy with isn't, there should be no spread of head lice.

So, if you believe that your child has lice, immediately ask for a prescription for treating them. Lice can also be removed by using a toothed combs or hair care commercial service.
If head lice are found in one family member, all members of the House should be checked, so according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Don't forget to teach Your children not to share personal items, such as combs and hats. Periodic inspection by parents can help the detection and treatment of head lice infestations.

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